We are so excited to have your student audition our shows! Please consider having them audition for BOTH shows so that they have a better chance at being cast in one of the shows. Continue reading for important info!
Mandatory Show Parent/Student Meetings:
There will be 3 mandatory parent/guardian meetings during the session - one during the first week of spring classes, (chose to come Monday, March 24th, or Thursday, March 27th), one on the first day of rehearsal, April 8th at 5:30 pm at Freedom Fellowship Church, and one at the beginning of tech week.
Students enrolled for the Winter Session of classes are eligible to sign up for an audition slot through the sign-up genius. (see below). Dance Call for all shows will be Friday March 28
th (More info below). Auditions for all shows will be on Saturday, March 29th from 10am-4pm at the CYT Studio where students will bring their prepared material (see below) to present for the artistic teams of all productions. Please arrive 10 minutes before your audition slot to make sure your paperwork is complete. Please plan to visit the costume room after your audition slot to be measured by our Costume Team (This is necessary so that the Costume committee can begin working as soon as the cast list is out. This is not a guarantee that you will be cast in the show).
Students will need to prepare:
A one minute cut of a song (this song should NOT be from the show your student is auditioning for. We suggest something Disney if this is your first time auditioning. Your track needs to be a karaoke track with no words)
A one minute or less monologue (you can use a provided monologue (provided monologues coming soon - You may chose a monologue from either show) - OR you can select your own monologue if you would like)
1. Registered for a Spring 2025 Class
2. Audition Sign-Up through our
3. Complete Spring 2025 Audition Form (*MUST be completed no later than
3 days before auditions. The Karaoke/Accompaniment track for your song must be uploaded at time of completion.)
If you cannot make auditions in person, video auditions are accepted! Record a video of your one minute song and one minute (or less) monologue and upload the video on your audition form. Please email the Program Coordinator at shows@cytsanantonio.org if you have any questions. We want to see you audition for the show so if you have existing school or family commitments, please get information on how to submit a video audition.
Video auditions do NOT exclude you from receiving a callback or participating in the show.
DANCE CALL: Dance call is for every student auditioning and will be Friday, March 28
th at the CYT Studio.
We are splitting the dance call by age. The Dance call schedule is as follows:
*5-7pm: 8-12 year old age group
*7-9pm: 13-18 year old age group
About the Dance Call Instructional Video: This is the Dance that will be performed at the Dance Call on Friday March 28
th. (all ages).(DANCE CALL INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO coming soon) Dance Call Performance Video: (coming soon). If you are unable to attend the Dance Call, please record a video audition of your student performing this dance, and submit the video as part of your Audition Form. If you have already submitted your audition form, please email the video to shows@cytsanantonio.org.
*If you are submitting a video audition because the sign-up genius is full, please come to the Dance Call in person if you're able.
Tuesday, April 1st is our day for callbacks for
all productions. Callbacks will run from 5-9 pm. Students will be notified on Saturday, March 29th as to whether they will need to be present for callbacks. When the callback info is sent out, please read through it carefully for details regarding the process and times. Not every student will be required to be at Call Backs.
Rehearsals will begin Tuesday, April 8th at Freedom Fellowship Church in New Braunfels - DON'T FORGET THE MANDATORY PARENT MEETING AT 5:30PM!
MOST Friday and Saturday rehearsals Will be held at freedom Fellowship Church. All Tuesday rehearsals will be held at the Cyt studio. Please check the call board each week to double check, rehearsal locations! To accommodate our cast sizes, we often rehearse at another location, other than our studio blackbox!